
Click/tap in the game window


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This project is for week 'e' of Alphabet Superset, for which I will be making projects based on or set in the Cosmere.

This week's project was more ambitious, partly because after week 'e' there is a week off, but mostly because I wanted to do this iconic scene some justice (within my abilities and almost within my time constraints).

To get this out, I pushed myself to work with smaller sprites.  This mean I had to sacrifice detail, which is a tough trade-off for me to make.  Don't worry, though, I'll get used to it.  It helps me to look at the RPGs people loved from the Super Nintendo era, and to see that none of the characters had mouths.  Eventually, I will be able to work at various different scales as the project calls for it.

The code this week is the finest spaghetti, imported from Napoli.  I'll be doing more work in the future weeks to implement design patterns where applicable, since I'm starting to get better with my sprite work.  If I can foresee component being reusable across multiple weeks, I'll make it reusable to save some time.

Also I got a dog this week.  It's about 4 times the size of my other dog.  Made for a busy week.

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