
Click on your enemy to attack


This project is for week 'd' of Alphabet Superset, for which I will be making projects based on or set in the Cosmere.

I liked Denth's 'secret technique', so this scene is some kind of rendition of the fight at the end of the book.  The animations are rough and unfinished, like last week, but I showed more restraint this time and used smaller sprites, so they're not as rough.  Why are the swords pink/purple?  Yeah, I was going to redo those, as well as add more detail to Denth (the one on the left).  It was pretty cool to work with multiple sprites, though - there are three interacting sprites in this scene.  I had to animate in a way that takes the other sprites into account.

The background and character movement are in 3D, and it's been nice to get more into the code again.  That's the easy part for me, though, so I tried to avoid doing too much with it.  In fact, I forced myself to not make the code very good, because that's not the point of this week's project.

Something weird happens with the animations when exported to Web.  Not sure why yet, and I might never know, but if I can figure it out I'll come back and fix it.

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