
The button in the game window


This project is for week 'c' of Alphabet Superset, for which I will be making projects based on or set in the Cosmere.

I am not proud of this project - I was hoping to do so much more for it.  I'm glad to have learned the lessons I did this week, and to know much better exactly how long these processes take me right now.  I was hoping to make animations for a few of the stories told be Cephandrius in Cosmere books, but I also decided that a 128x128 sprite would be a good idea.  I don't think that I was crazy to do this, just not prepared for how long it would take me to get to that level of detail.  You can see that I didn't even finish the animations that are here, but I've gotten at least some practice with the decision making that goes into animation with that level of detail and I've got to move on.

All that said, I am proud of myself for sticking to this.  On to week 'd'!

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