
None this week - it's basically an image made in a game engine


This project is for week 'b' of Alphabet Superset, for which I will be making projects based on or set in the Cosmere.

The scene depicted is a very low detail version of a scene between Moash, Teft, and Phendorana from Rhythm of War (Stormlight Archive 4.)  If you know, you know.  The floor pattern was just a technical thing I worked on, but the wall is at least a little bit like how the walls of Urithiru are described, with different striations depending on location.  Phendorana's pose made it tricky to do anything with her face, and that was even after I redid the pose.  I do like Teft and Moash's poses, although the 3D lighting does some weird stuff with all the sprites that I'll have to take into account (and eventually use).  When making the characters, I used Sigma from Mega Man X as a rough guidelines for the proportions, then adjusted to suit each character.

No animation or anything this week - I was on a family vacation, so I'm happy that I was able to produce anything at all.  I didn't ruin the vacation or anything, either.  It was great for everyone, and I worked on this responsibly.

I wanted to try out the tileset features in Aseprite (see the floor pattern) and try getting pixel art textures onto 3D objects in Godot.  I used decals for this, but I don't think that will be the way to go.  I will need to figure this out - I kind of want to go for the HD2D look for these projects, but at the same time I think it would be cool to have pixel art on the 3D surfaces.  The main problem I foresee with that approach is getting the pixel sizes between characters and environment to match, although maybe that won't matter as much since characters may be scaling up and down as they move between foreground and background.  Feedback on this would be helpful, if someone can point to places where people describe how this problem has been approached before.

(The decals don't show up on this when exported to Web.  Not sure why yet.  Phendorana didn't show up at first, either, but reimporting with different settings helped.)

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